+381 65 22 33 634 info@i-eco12v.com


Scheme of installation

The system is equipped with i-eco 12V and can be installed on all surfaces with ease . Zaradi izjemno tenke grelne površine je vgradnja zelo enostavna in nezahtevna.

Electronics board:

It is usually built into the wall so that the only visible thing is box cover, and thermostat, but other solutions are also possible.

Case dimensions are 22x35x10 or 35x35x10. It is not necessary to install the electronic assembly or assemblies in the room being heated. Users most often choose to install it in the hallway. In other rooms, we leave only the thermostats.

Floor installation:

The heating tapes are usually laid under the screeds. on insulation, but no less effective if they are laid on screeds or under floor coverings. The soil level is raised only by 0.4mm.
Although it may sound strange, we also put the straps on existing floor coverings (mobile version). The only condition is that they are covered with something due to the visual effect. You can use anything: warm floor, laminate, rubber, carpet, plasterboard, artificial grass, etc. Of course you can also use ceramics or stone, if the existing flooring permits.
Therefore, the heating tapes allow dry and wet screeds and all types of floor coverings. You will be warmed up wherever you place them.

Čeprav morda zveni čudno, trakove polagamo tudi na obstoječe talne obloge (mobilna izvedba). Pogoj je le, da jih zaradi vizualnega učinka z nečim prekrijemo. Uporabite lahko karkoli: topli pod, laminate, gumo, preprogo, mavčne plošče, umetno travo itn. Seveda lahko uporabite tudi keramiko ali kamen, če to dovoljuje obstoječa talna obloga.

Torej ogrevalni trakovi dovoljujejo tako suhe kot tudi mokre estrihe in vse vrste talnih oblog. Kvalitetno vas bodo ogreli, kamorkoli jih postavite.

Wall installation:

In the case of wall mounting, mounting options are unlimited. The tapes can be placed under or above the plaster. It is only important that there is a heat seal for heating bodies (from the outside or inside the wall), otherwise heat will emerge.
When adapting to the wall, we usually place a layer of insulation, fixing the heating strips to it (up to 180-200 cm) and covering them all with plasterboards. If the walls are too guilty of such an intervention, we align them with Al-profiles. In any case, the procedure is not too demanding. With a little effort, you can get heating equivalent to the floor.
A ceiling design is also possible.

Pri adaptacijah na steno ponavadi položimo sloj izolacije, na njo fiksiramo ogrevalne trakove (do višine 180-200 cm) in vse prekrijemo z mavčnimi ploščami. Če so stene preveč krive za tak poseg, jih zravnamo z Al- profili. Vsekakor poseg ni prav preveč zahteven. Z malo truda lahko dobite ogrevanje, enakovredno talnemu.

Možna je tudi stropna izvedba.




The product consists of the power supply, the heat exchanger, and the regulator (thermostat).

The power supply is delivered in a steel housing, protected against corrosion and the usual physical loads. It is usually installed under the plaster, close to the electrical cabinet. The only thing visible is the cover.

The heat exchanger consists of aluminium strips, 6, 8, 12, or 17 cm wide, and 0.2 mm thick. They are installed under or on top of screed in the floor, or under plaster panels or plaster in the walls, and powered with a low-voltage electricity (from 3 V to 48 V).

Heating strips can be installed on top of existing flooring.

Dimensioning of power

The power of the power supply unit is determined by the heat losses of the space it covers.

The dimensions of the heating tapes depend on the desired specific heat output (W/m2) of heating.

The recommended floor temperature in individual rooms limits the specific heat emission. This amounts to:
23-28° C for living spaces (specific heat emission 30-80W/m2)
28-32° C for bathrooms or edge zones along external walls or under glass surfaces (specific heat emission 80-120 W/m2)
For heating open spaces or surfaces (terraces, balconies, driveways), we install
80-150 W/m2
If the heat losses of the closed ones require a higher specific power than recommended, it can be replaced with a wall design or by redirecting it to passive floor surfaces.

Technical data sheet

Heat exchanger insulated Al strips
Power supply 3–48 V (optional connection to alternative energy sources)
Heating floor coverage up to 80%
Specific power by calculation or optional
Floor temperature 23–28°C, bathrooms 32°C (or optional)
System power supply 220–230 V, 50–60 Hz
Maximum power consumption 12 A
Settings by room, stationary or remote
Protection OF, F1 + F2, soft-start
Heat exchanger protection chemical, physical
Warranty period 20 years for heating strips, 7 years for electronic circuitry
Flooring all types
Installation floor, wall, or combined
Screed wet or dry
Issued by: SIQ, Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology. Tržaška cesta 2, SI–1000 Ljubljana

Remote control of floor heating

Have you thought how nice it would be if you always had a warm home waiting for you when you arrive cold? Remote control allows you to do exactly that. Prepare your home for your arrival and heat it remotely. If you have questions about the remote control of heating in your home, send us an inquiry.

User guide

Digital room thermostat type X4

Pričevanja zadovoljnih strank

Izboljšali smo življenja naših strank.

“Zelo sem zadovoljna z talnim ogrevanjem i-eco. Posebej mi je všeč nizka cena ogrevanja in toplota, ki jo za to ceno dobim. Veliko boljše kot prej. I-eco sem priporočala vsem bližnjim in tudi oni so zadovoljni.”

Urška M.

Magister Ekologije

“Talno gretje i-eco smo naročili za naš proizvodnji pogon. Sistem smo povezali z našo solarno elektrarno in z rezultati smo več kot zadovoljni. Izkazalo se je, da letno na ogrevanju privarčujemo tudi do 20 %.”

Tilen G.

Direktor razvoja

Pošljite povpraševanje

ter se dogovorite za brezplačno svetovanje.


2 + 6 =

+381 65 22 33 634


Vele Nigrinove 4, 11000 Belgrade